Germany: Car repair gets 39-year-old Koblenz resident into trouble.

Wrongly parked: Unlucky guy sits behind bars

Germany: Car repair gets 39-year-old Koblenz resident into trouble.

A 39-year-old car owner has experienced three bouts of bad luck at a car dealership.

He parked in the middle of the driveway when he arrived at a Koblenz car dealership at around 11 a.m. with his car to drop it off for repairs, but he was kindly asked to move it from its parked position. However, as he wanted to get some money to pay the bill before the work was started, he was not prepared to move his car, so the car dealership called the relevant public order office.

The public order office officials initially punished the obvious parking violation but also had something to complain about with the 39-year-old’s car. It turns out that the car was significantly damaged in an accident and was not in a roadworthy condition. Police officers from the Koblenz Metternich police station who were then called in also confirmed the vehicle’s status.

Further problems for the customer were also uncovered during a routine check of the man’s personal details. Unfortunately, it transpired that there was an arrest warrant against him.

The man was then taken to the correctional facility and his car was towed away.

Conclusion: Fines for illegal parking, towing costs, repair costs. The only bright spot is that the man can stay in prison for free for the next few weeks.

Source: Press release from the Koblenz Police Headquarters

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