Penalties in Mallorca for failing to show up for MOT appointments

Meanwhile, there continue to be long waiting times for making appointments

Penalties in Mallorca for failing to show up for MOT appointments

Drivers in Mallorca who fail to show up for ITV (MOT) appointments are being penalised by being unable to book another appointment for two months.

When customers go to the website to try and book a new appointment, it says: “Error message. We were waiting for you with your previous appointment, but the vehicle did not show up for inspection.” If they try to book at a different ITV station, they get the same message. The vehicle’s registration has been blocked. A phone call to the ITV service then explains that they can’t make an appointment for two months.

While some vehicle owners are understood to have questioned the legality, the Council of Mallorca says that this penalty has been in operation for some time. The aim is to reduce the number of no-shows. By not turning up, these owners obviously deprive others of an appointment opportunity.

The Council adds that there has been a decrease in the number of no-shows as a consequence; it was apparently as high as 20%. Drivers may not be being penalised financially by the Council and the ITV company, but they do face the possibility of being fined for driving without a valid ITV sticker.

Meanwhile, there continue to be long waiting times for making appointments. This Saturday, the five stations will be open, the Council and the company having agreed to open this Saturday and next as well as the four Saturdays in May. This will allow 6,000 more appointments to be booked.

Source: MDB

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