The engine sputters, the brakes squeak – then it’s time to have the car repaired. Only about one in ten people put this off, where approximately, 88% of people drive directly to the workshop if possible, a survey by expert organisation KÜS has shown.
The survey demonstrates that, drivers don’t pay the same price for repairs everywhere in Germany: people who drive to a workshop in Munich have to dig deep into their pockets. At an average of €174.50 , the costs per hour of work are by far the highest here. This is followed by Hamburg €158.41, Wuppertal €155.92, Düsseldorf €153.50 and Essen €153.42. This was the result of a ranking system by the maintenance app provider Carly based on hourly billing rates from DEKRA. It is cheapest in Münster €133.50, in Dresden €129.17 and in Leipzig €126.
That’s how high the hourly rate is in Germany’s workshops
Prices in euros

For comparison, DEKRA’s hourly billing rates for repairs in the 20 largest German cities were evaluated. A distinction was made between bodywork, painting work (without paint material) and mechanics.
However, low hourly rates are no guarantee that overall workshop costs are low, as the comparison shows: In addition, based on a repair cost analysis by Deutsche Automobil Treuhand (DAT), a comparison was made in 20 cities of how expensive it is to change brake pads, car batteries and engine oil .
The front runner is Frankfurt am Main: Here a repair costs an average of €462.95, followed by Dresden €446.19 and Cologne €425.63. Munich comes in 8th place with €397.50.
That’s how expensive a visit to Germany’s workshops is
Prices in euros

Source: Autoreparatur